“Making Better Dirt” – Series

Dirt or Humus is the most incredible material that exist on this planet. Nearly everything gets its start from it and will eventually return to it. Genesis 3:19 tells us that ” “Dust thou art and to dust thou must return “Dust thou art and to dust thou must return”. This online video series provide five fundamental components required to make us better ‘Dirt”!

Lesson Videos and PowerPoint Presentations

Lesson 1 Love God
Lesson 2Love Yourself and Others
Lesson 3 Control the Tongue
Lesson 4Getting an Understanding
Lesson 5See the world through the eyes of others

3 Replies to ““Making Better Dirt” – Series”

    1. Thank you Carla! It is great to hear from you and thank you for watching the video. We are streaming this series for the next four weeks on Wednesday at 6pm (CST). And they will always be posted here shortly afterward. I hope you, all the family are doing well during these times.

      Continue to Pray!

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